Half-price Online Virtual Classes for the first 10 people who request "MyGHCP Classes".

Find out more here.

Contact us

If you are a patient, caregiver, certified case manager, or physician in Anyplace, USA please get in touch to learn more about the classes, training, and elaboration of services we provide, and to request your copy of the My Global Health Care Plan.
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TriUnity Health Institute
Brewster, WA
8AM - 5PM, Mon – Thu
Or by appointment
Harry Laudermilk


Expires December 31, 2022
The first ten people requesting the MyGHCP living Anywhere USA will receive the free MyGHCP plus Free Virtual Classes as described in the Classes and Services tabs. You will be contacted of your acceptance within 24 hours from your “Contact Email” or phone call to TriUnity Health Institute, DBA MyGHCP.   You will be contacted of your acceptance within 24 hours from your “Contact Email” to TriUnity Health Institute, DBA MyGHCP
The TriUnity of patient safety, care coordination and positive outcomes as determined by the patient and validated by the Patient Self-Determination ACT of 1991, is the mission of TriUnity Health Institute

TriUnity Health and MyGHCP is founded by a Certified Nurse Case Manager with over 40 years of healthcare experience and is the author of the eBook MyGHCP. Please use the contact email to ask TriUnity Health to send a Citrix ShareFile secure link for your download of 100+ forms and links. You understand that your personal information that you enter in the forms or the documents you receive from your health providers are your own personal information and will not be shared with TriUnity Health without expressed written consent, (typically demonstrated during virtual sessions with your providers and/or family). You understand your personal medical information storage is your decision as to how and where you will store it. 

When you request the “folder” of information you will receive simple instructions in how to create a folder on your “C drive” to store all 100+ documents. Keep in mind that by using MyGHCP and putting it on your “C” drive, this information is protected by you and if you put the folder into your smart phone it goes with you without being in a cloud. Clouds like One Drive, iCloud, and Citrix are also wholly protected. TriUnity does not endorse any one of the “Clouds,” this is your decision. 

If you are a Healthcare Provider, you are encouraged to participate in the class training and to specifically refer your patients to TriUnity for development of their MyGHCP. The goal of TriUnity Health is to optimize a patient’s health by their values and self-determination belief, (as described above). TriUnity will also provide virtual classrooms to health providers exclusively. Certified Case Managers are a key provider for patients in navigating healthcare settings and in developing Care Plans which is graphically displayed in MyGHCP. TriUnity Health is soliciting for CCM’s to further develop their practice using the MyGHCP format, (CCM’s are traditionally RN’s or Social Workers and other experts prepared Counselors). 

Licensed health care providers who are interested in the classes will be afforded a 50% reduction in cost that will allow for your use of the MyGHCP as work product. This offer is good for the remainder of the calendar year 2021. All primary or secondary providers are not required to take classes however your staff in your office will be required with your supervision to work product.